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What Henrico officials are doing following reports of cloudy, milky water in Eastern Henrico

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In the aftermath of last week's water crisis in Richmond and parts of Henrico, some Eastern Henrico residents this week have reported cloudy or milky water coming from their home faucets. But Henrico officials are reminding them that those are common results of increased pressure in water lines.

Henrico Public Utilities officials continue to flush air from the system’s lines to restore water clarity in Eastern Henrico, they said in a statement Jan. 16. Fewer reports of cloudy water have come in later in the week, and officials said that residents should continue to see the clarity improve with the flushing underway.  

Henrico officials also are continuing their efforts to support operations at the city of Richmond’s water treatment facility, where county DPU employees are on site and monitoring ongoing repair efforts.

To provide an additional backstop for water resources that serve eastern areas of the county, Henrico has filled its reserve tanks throughout the area. Water from the reserve tanks can sustain water use in Eastern Henrico for 24 hours under normal use, if necessary.  

Residents with questions about their water can call (804) 727-8700 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. More information is available on the county’s water service updates page

In two videos posted online (shown below), Henrico Public Utilities Director Bentley Chan answers questions about water cloudiness and explains why some residents are experiencing the presence of particles and a chlorine odor in their water.