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Virginia War Memorial seeks photos of Vietnam War vets

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The Virginia War Memorial is seeking personal photographs of Vietnam War veterans from Virginia taken during their service in Southeast Asia.

The memorial staff will review all photos, with some having a chance to be selected for an upcoming exhibit, “50 Years Beyond: The Vietnam War Experience.”

The Virginia War Memorial also will be partnering with award-winning photographer and U.S. Navy veteran Laura Hatcher to take new portraits of the selected Vietnam veterans. Henrico-based veterans are encouraged to apply.

The museum plans to feature photos of 50 Vietnam vets from the state in the exhibit, which will open Jan. 27, 2023 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Paris Peace Accords, which officially ended the war.

“These photos will be used alongside professional photo portraits of the selected veterans taken today,” said Clay Mountcastle, director of the Virginia War Memorial.

Alongside collecting “in-country” veteran photographs, the Virginia War Memorial also will be accepting mementos, visitors correspondences, and oral histories of those who served.

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