Henrico Board of Supervisors Thornton, Nelson to lead Henrico Board of Supervisors , and Citizen Staff Reports January 11, 2023
Top News Henrico officials planning to test metal detectors in some county schools , and Tom Lappas, Citizen Publisher December 2, 2022
Eastern Henrico Sandston Branch Library to reopen Nov. 30 with open house event , and Citizen Staff Reports November 29, 2022
Henrico Board of Supervisors Varina meetings on Sept. 26, Oct. 3 to detail district updates, bond referendum , and Citizen Staff Reports September 12, 2022
Top News New software to monitor Henrico students' online activity , and Special to the Citizen July 21, 2022
Top News McEachin visits Henrico middle school for student town hall , and Anna Bryson February 25, 2022
Henrico Board of Supervisors Henrico officials planning push to attract bioscience wet labs , and Tom Lappas, Citizen Publisher January 31, 2022
Henrico Board of Supervisors One year later, Henrico still waiting for seats on GRTC board , and Tom Lappas, Citizen Publisher January 28, 2022
Henrico Board of Supervisors Supervisors expected to approve historic real estate tax credit , and Citizen Staff Reports January 25, 2022
Eastern Henrico Varina meeting on Jan. 20 to highlight district updates, 'State of the County' , and Citizen Staff Reports January 13, 2022
Eastern Henrico Letter shows federal officials knew about presence of PFAS in Eastern Henrico in April , and Tom Lappas, Citizen Publisher December 17, 2021
Henrico Board of Supervisors Henrico supervisors approve revised reapportionment plan , and Tom Lappas, Citizen Publisher December 16, 2021
Community Henrico supervisors defer reapportionment vote until Thursday , and Tom Lappas, Citizen Publisher December 15, 2021
Henrico Board of Supervisors Henrico supervisors enact inspection program to address 'slumlord' apartments , and Tom Lappas, Citizen Publisher October 13, 2021
Eastern Henrico Coca-Cola announces $23M expansion in Henrico , and Citizen Staff Reports September 27, 2021
Henrico Board of Supervisors Henrico citizens urge supervisors to reconsider implementation of civilian review board , and Special to the Citizen August 2, 2021
Eastern Henrico Richmond-based snack company expanding into Henrico, creating 60 new jobs , and Citizen Staff Reports July 19, 2021
Eastern Henrico As new high school takes shape, a new day nears for Highland Springs , and Tom Lappas, Citizen Publisher May 29, 2021
Henrico Board of Supervisors Plans for a civilian review board in Henrico appear dead , and Tom Lappas, Citizen Publisher May 14, 2021
Top News Henrico Citizen earns 6 Virginia Press Association awards , and Citizen Staff Reports April 28, 2021
Henrico Board of Supervisors Capital Trail extension through Dorey Park opens , and Citizen Staff Reports April 22, 2021
Community Henrico supervisors want seats on GRTC board , and Tom Lappas, Citizen Publisher April 14, 2021
Henrico Board of Supervisors Henrico officials to state: 'Give us the shots – period' , and Tom Lappas, Citizen Publisher March 24, 2021
Henrico Board of Supervisors Supervisors, School Board find harmony in 2-hour meeting , and Tom Lappas, Citizen Publisher March 17, 2021
Henrico Board of Supervisors Supervisors weigh funding for community organizations , and Tom Lappas, Citizen Publisher March 16, 2021
Henrico Board of Supervisors Henrico supervisors frustrated they can't hold school system accountable in specific ways , and Tom Lappas, Citizen Publisher March 15, 2021
Henrico Board of Supervisors Vithoulkas proposes $54M pay increase for eligible employees , and Tom Lappas, Citizen Publisher February 9, 2021
Henrico Board of Supervisors Varina meeting Feb. 16 to provide updates on projects, vaccinations , and Citizen Staff Reports February 7, 2021
Henrico Board of Supervisors Phase 1B vaccinations could last into April, Henrico official says , and Tom Lappas, Citizen Publisher January 27, 2021
Henrico Board of Supervisors Henrico eyeing $500M-$600M bond referendum in Nov. 2022 , and Tom Lappas, Citizen Publisher January 19, 2021
Eastern Henrico 'Support for people in crisis': Henrico planning $14M detox and recovery center , and Tom Lappas, Citizen Publisher November 18, 2020
Henrico News Minute podcast Henrico News Minute – Nov. 16, 2020 , and Citizen Staff Reports November 16, 2020
Henrico Board of Supervisors Henrico supervisor seeks vote on civilian review board , and Tom Lappas, Citizen Publisher November 15, 2020
Community Majority of board expresses support for civilian review board , and Tom Lappas, Citizen Publisher August 25, 2020
Top News Atkins, Cashwell provide updates during Varina District meeting , and Special to the Citizen August 20, 2020
Top News In virtual Brookland meeting, majority of citizens express support for civilian review board , and Tom Lappas, Citizen Publisher August 20, 2020
Top News T-Mobile to locate 1,300 jobs in Eastern Henrico , and Citizen Staff Reports August 16, 2020
Top News 3 organizations plan full-day care at Henrico public schools this fall , and Tom Lappas, Citizen Publisher August 11, 2020
Top News Henrico Sheriff: All inmates previously positive for COVID have recovered , and Tom Lappas, Citizen Publisher August 4, 2020
Top News Initial input about proposed Henrico civilian review board is supportive , and Tom Lappas, Citizen Publisher July 8, 2020
Election 2019 O’Bannon says she’ll return developer’s $1,000 campaign donation , and Tom Lappas, Citizen Publisher September 24, 2019