Transportation Henrico supervisors seek $19M for Magellan Parkway extension , and Special to the Citizen June 24, 2021
Top News Chesterfield County woman caught by TSA with loaded gun at Richmond International Airport , and Citizen Staff Reports June 22, 2021
Community Utility work to limit turns at Nuckols, Cox, beginning June 28 , and Citizen Staff Reports June 22, 2021
Top News GRTC to continue zero-fare operations through June 2022 , and Citizen Staff Reports June 15, 2021
Henrico Board of Supervisors Henrico expects $39.7 million in CVTA revenue for transportation projects , and Special to the Citizen June 10, 2021
Transportation Charles City Road to close nightly for drainage work in Eastern Henrico , and Citizen Staff Reports May 22, 2021
Transportation How air travel trends were affected during the pandemic , and Special to the Citizen May 13, 2021
Community Henrico planning $9.8-million upgrade to traffic management system , and Tom Lappas, Citizen Publisher May 12, 2021
Transportation Southwest begins nonstop service from Richmond to Denver , and Citizen Staff Reports May 10, 2021
Transportation Virginia among states most likely to see fuel prices rise because of pipeline shutdown , and Citizen Staff Reports May 10, 2021
Varina Lane closures set for Darbytown at CSX underpass May 6 , and Citizen Staff Reports May 4, 2021
Henrico Board of Supervisors Capital Trail extension through Dorey Park opens , and Citizen Staff Reports April 22, 2021
Transportation Section of Richmond-Henrico Turnpike to be closed April 24 for repairs , and Citizen Staff Reports April 22, 2021
Crime RIC passenger arrested after trying to board plane with loaded gun , and Citizen Staff Reports April 19, 2021
Community Henrico supervisors want seats on GRTC board , and Tom Lappas, Citizen Publisher April 14, 2021
Eastern Henrico New traffic pattern begins Tuesday on Airport Drive , and Citizen Staff Reports April 13, 2021
Top News Southwest Airlines begins Richmond-to-Chicago service , and Citizen Staff Reports April 12, 2021
Recreation Cycling advocate Vye recognized as Richmond History Maker , and Patty Kruszewski, Citizen Managing Editor April 7, 2021
Top News Southwest beginning nonstop flights to Chicago April 12, Denver May 9 , and Citizen Staff Reports April 6, 2021
Henrico Board of Supervisors Church Road safety, mobility changes planned , and Special to the Citizen March 26, 2021
Transportation Traffic shifts to take place March 21-23 on I-64 at Airport Drive , and Citizen Staff Reports March 18, 2021
Community Work on Greenwood-Woodman roundabout to cause delays March 22-24 , and Citizen Staff Reports March 18, 2021
Eastern Henrico Traffic shifts expected week of March 16 on I-64 at Airport Drive in Henrico , and Citizen Staff Reports March 10, 2021
Transportation Virginia DMV adds more online service options , and Citizen Staff Reports February 23, 2021
Transportation South Gaskins rail crossing to be closed Feb. 24 for repairs , and Citizen Staff Reports February 23, 2021
Top News Water main break closes some lanes on Brook Road , and Citizen Staff Reports February 5, 2021
Crime Richmond man caught with loaded gun in his pocket at Richmond International Airport , and Citizen Staff Reports January 27, 2021
Western Henrico Parham-Patterson improvements scheduled to begin this spring , and Citizen Staff Reports January 22, 2021
Eastern Henrico Charles City Road rail crossing to be partially closed for repairs Jan. 25 , and Citizen Staff Reports January 21, 2021
Community As Central Va. Transportation Authority takes shape, Henrico anticipates $20M-$30M in new annual revenue , and Special to the Citizen January 20, 2021
Transportation Repair project to close Parham/I-64 West ramp overnight Jan. 19-23 , and Citizen Staff Reports January 13, 2021
Eastern Henrico Turn lane on Oakley’s at Audubon to be closed Jan. 14 for asphalt repairs , and Citizen Staff Reports January 11, 2021
Top News Second GRTC employee dies from COVID complications , and Citizen Staff Reports January 11, 2021
Community Another passenger tries to bring loaded gun through RIC checkpoint , and Citizen Staff Reports January 6, 2021
Community Richmond International Airport sets annual record for guns stopped at checkpoint , and Citizen Staff Reports January 4, 2021
Eastern Henrico Glen Allen man arrested after bringing loaded gun to RIC checkpoint , and Citizen Staff Reports December 21, 2020
Transportation I-195 ramps to, from Laburnum closing Dec. 18-21 , and Citizen Staff Reports December 18, 2020
Eastern Henrico First JetBlue flight to LAX departs Richmond International Airport , and Citizen Staff Reports December 18, 2020