In the Garden In the Garden: Evoke positive emotions by adding the Pantone Color of the Year to your garden , and Special to the Citizen March 21, 2024
In the Garden In the Garden: Selecting the right potting mix for your plantings , and Special to the Citizen March 14, 2024
In the Garden In the Garden: Spring garden cleanup with pollinators in mind , and Special to the Citizen March 7, 2024
In the Garden In the Garden: Brighten every room in your home with plants , and Special to the Citizen February 29, 2024
In the Garden In the Garden: Gear up for the 2024 garden season , and Special to the Citizen February 22, 2024
In the Garden In the Garden: Starting plants from seeds indoors , and Special to the Citizen February 15, 2024
In the Garden In the Garden: Unique gifts for your Valentine , and Special to the Citizen February 8, 2024
In the Garden In the Garden: Brighten any space with containers of summer-flowering bulbs , and Special to the Citizen February 1, 2024
In the Garden In the Garden: Get a jump start on managing plant pests this winter , and Special to the Citizen January 25, 2024
In the Garden In the Garden: Tips for selecting the best tomatoes for your garden , and Special to the Citizen January 18, 2024
In the Garden In the Garden: Testing, sharing and saving leftover seeds , and Special to the Citizen January 11, 2024
In the Garden In the Garden: Recycle your Christmas tree into the landscape , and Special to the Citizen January 4, 2024
In the Garden In the Garden: Boost your mood with fragrant indoor plants , and Special to the Citizen December 28, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Include gardening in your New Year's resolutions , and Special to the Citizen December 21, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Caring for plants spending the winter indoors , and Special to the Citizen December 14, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Dress up the holidays with succulent plants , and Special to the Citizen December 7, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Horticulture agent offers tips on winter holiday plant acquisition and care , and Special to the Citizen November 30, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Add a Rosemary topiary to this year's holiday season , and Special to the Citizen November 30, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Outdoor winter container gardens , and Special to the Citizen November 24, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Keeping tropical plants healthy , and Special to the Citizen November 16, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Must-have gifts for your favorite gardener , and Special to the Citizen November 9, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Gifts with multiple functions and styles , and Special to the Citizen November 2, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Gift an amaryllis for colorful winter blooms , and Special to the Citizen October 26, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Enjoy apples now and for months to come , and Special to the Citizen October 19, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Plant a few trees for you and the bees , and Special to the Citizen October 12, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Cutting and enjoying fall perennial flowers , and Special to the Citizen October 5, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Create your own garden soil , and Special to the Citizen September 27, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Fall landscape care with pollinators in mind , and Special to the Citizen September 21, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Daffodils with a difference , and Special to the Citizen September 14, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Brighten your fall landscape with mums , and Special to the Citizen September 7, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Plant trees this fall for decades of benefits , and Special to the Citizen August 31, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Preserve basil for winter meals , and Special to the Citizen August 24, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Fall-planted cover crops provide many benefits to gardens , and Special to the Citizen August 17, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Preventing and managing powdery mildew in the garden , and Special to the Citizen August 3, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Carrots - a healthy snack you can grow , and Special to the Citizen July 27, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Plant now for a bountiful fall harvest , and Special to the Citizen July 20, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Summer bouquets from the garden , and Special to the Citizen July 13, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Still time to plant and enjoy beets , and Citizen Staff Reports July 6, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Dealing with tree surface roots , and Special to the Citizen June 29, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Plan and plant a hummingbird garden , and Special to the Citizen June 22, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Make gardening with kids enjoyable , and Special to the Citizen June 15, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Gardening under a black walnut tree , and Special to the Citizen June 8, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Managing insects and diseases in the garden , and Special to the Citizen June 1, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Preserve the beauty, fragrance and flavor of your garden , and Special to the Citizen May 25, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Keep plants thriving despite the heat of summer , and Special to the Citizen May 18, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Managing the heat of hot peppers , and Special to the Citizen May 11, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Grow easy-care mandevillas for season-long color , and Special to the Citizen May 3, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Tips for designing and maintaining a low-maintenance garden , and Special to the Citizen April 26, 2023
In the Garden In the Garden: Gardening gifts for any occasion , and Special to the Citizen April 20, 2023