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The longtime CEO of St. Joseph’s Villa has announced that she will retire at the end of 2023, and Villa officials have named the organization’s chief advancement officer to replace her.

Kathleen Burke Barrett will retire in December 2023 after leading the Villa for 17 years, and Jenny Friar (who joined the Villa in 2007) will take over the position.

Under Barrett’s leadership, the Villa increased its capacity from serving 800 children and families each year to more than 3,000. She worked with staff members to create new partnerships and pioneer industry best practices, resulting in the launch of Central Virginia’s first crisis stabilization unit for children’s mental health, and a community-based rapid rehousing program aimed at ending chronic homelessness in the Richmond and Tri-Cities regions. Today, the Villa provides 18 integrated support services that also include specialized education and in-home behavioral health services.

Barrett’s vision to harness the Villa campus as an educational and therapeutic resource inspired the organization’s first capital campaigns in its 188-year history, which transformed its 82 acres by creating new garden and recreational spaces; safely connecting programs with pedestrian walkways; increasing accessibility; and opening a state-of-the-art Center for Autism. The Villa has raised a total of more than $77 million during Barrett’s tenure.

“On behalf of St. Joseph’s Villa, the many employees and those touched by her generous spirit, I'd like to thank Kathleen for her compassionate and resolute leadership,” said Kathy Duke, chair of the Villa’s board of trustees. “Kathleen has been at the helm of the Villa through a recession, a pandemic, and two successful capital campaigns, guiding us through difficult times with optimism and positive results. We are now positioned for a steady future of excellent service and innovation, where Kathleen's legacy will be apparent for many years ahead.”

Jenny Friar (Courtesy St. Joseph's Villa)

“It has been my honor to serve the mission of this historic organization, and to work alongside an extraordinary team driven to change lives,” said Barrett. “St. Joseph’s Villa has made, and will continue to make a transformative impact for our community’s most vulnerable children and families. I want to offer my sincere gratitude to our staff, board members, donors, volunteers, and partners who have helped the Villa grow and meet the most urgent needs of today. Moving forward together, I believe the Villa’s best is still to come.”

Friar’s selection as CEO-elect is the culmination of a multi-year succession planning process led by the board, with support from an external management consultant. Friar has held a number of leadership roles within the organization and community.