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Reynolds chefs, culinary students to assist in prep for Giving Heart feast

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The Giving Heart will host its 13th Annual Community Thanksgiving Feast at the Greater Richmond Convention Center Nov. 22.  This year, Reynolds Community College chefs and culinary arts students will assist in preparing a Thanksgiving meal for thousands – a service-learning experience ideal for students moving on to the bustle of commercial kitchens.

On the Thursday before Thanksgiving, 200 turkeys will be delivered to the Reynolds Downtown Campus for Friday "fabrication," which involves removing bones to reduce oven space, shorten cooking time, and save carving time. On Monday, students and chefs make gravy using the bones and trimmings – enough to feed almost 3,000 Richmonders.  Once the turkeys have been delivered to the Convention Center, where two shifts of 10 volunteers will carve them, the Reynolds culinary team will whip up desserts to be delivered Thanksgiving Day.

At 5 a.m. Thanksgiving morning, the lines begin to form as guests arrive on foot, by bicycle, by car and by bus using free round-trip tickets issued by Giving Heart Bus Ambassadors who ride the bus routes.  Snacks are handed out at 8:30 a.m. to hold guests over until the main event, the Thanksgiving Feast, which is served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

For details about volunteering or donating to The Giving Heart, visit