Restaurant Watch

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FEB. 14
NES Cornhole Lounge, 2443 Old Brick Road – The following violations were reported during a routine inspection: there is a leak under the three-compartment sink; section of cement floor in the kitchen is not smooth and easily cleanable.
City Lights of China, 12391 Gayton Road – The following violations were reported during a routine inspection: no handwash signage is posted in men’s restroom; racks in walk-in cooler and chest freezers are rusty; there are holes in the wall in back closet room; light fixture near walk-in coolers is missing a protective shield.
Cupertino’s, 3621-A Cox Road – The following violations were reported during a routine inspection: did not observe a certified food protection manager certificate; temperature of cream cheese in lowboy is elevated; walk-in cooler racks are rusted; ceiling panels are stained.
Killa Dillas, 6114 Lakeside Avenue – The following violations were reported during a routine inspection: did not observe a certified food protection manager certificate; person in charge couldn’t provide employee health policy or written procedures for cleaning up vomit and diarrhea; person in charge couldn’t verify that employees have received training on their illness reporting responsibilities; food debris found on dicer; temperature of corn salsa made 3.5 hours ago is elevated because of improper cooling methods; sugar in storage is unlabeled; boxes of single-service items (forks, take-out containers) are stored directly on the floor; small yellow cutting board is heavily scratched and no longer smooth; restroom door doesn’t have a self-closing device installed; wet mops are not hung or inverted to air dry; there is a leak in the ceiling in the dining room.
King’s Wok, 5223 South Laburnum Avenue – The following violations were reported during a routine inspection: green peppers are stored in a box previously used to store raw chicken; dried food debris found on slicer blade; bottles of pesticide are stored in the kitchen; knife is stored in gap between prep table and reach-in cooler; three lights are out in the hood system; freezer door gasket is torn; observed heavy grease buildup on sides of hot line cooking equipment, especially spaces between equipment; there is black residue on floor underneath hot line; ceiling tiles throughout kitchen are stained.
FEB. 18
Golden Skillet, 345 East Williamsburg Road – The following violations were reported during a routine inspection: employee beverage without lid is stored in food prep area; staff are washing hands with hand sanitizer instead of soap; hand sink in kitchen doesn’t have hand soap; raw chicken is stored over bags/boxes of produce; dried food debris found on reach-in cooler door gaskets; observed grease residue on floors behind hot line; there are holes in the seal between back door and kitchen and the seal is broken.
Hardee’s, 1120 East Nine Mile Road – The following violations were reported during a routine inspection: back hand sink doesn’t have paper towels; dried food debris found on vegetable slicer and inside microwave; temperatures of cooked chicken tenders left in fry basket and chili in steam table are too low; clean dishes are stacked while still wet; observed dried food debris, food stains, grease residue and mold on reach-in cooler and freezer interiors, exteriors and door gaskets; storage racks throughout the kitchen are dirty and greasy; observed grease residue on fry area cooking equipment; food debris found on walk-in cooler storage racks; walk-in cooler fan guards are moldy; ceiling tiles throughout kitchen are stained; kitchen floors and floors of walk-in coolers are dirty (black residue, trash and food debris in corners); floor drain under three-compartment sink is stained; wall/seal behind three-compartment sink, walk-in cooler walls and ceiling, and pipes along walls and ceilings are moldy; there are food stains on walls throughout the kitchen.
Starbucks Coffee Company, 8800 Staples Mill Road – The following violations were reported during a routine inspection: scraper tool found in back hand sink; observed dust and food residue on floor, ceiling vents, pipes under front counter, and under three-compartment sink.
McDonald’s, 8210 Brook Road – The following violations were reported during a routine inspection: chlorine sanitizer concentration is too high in bucket holding cloth towels; there are torn gaskets on reach-in freezer; “clean” utensils in storage have grease residue and dried food debris on them; observed residue buildup and dust accumulation on top of multiple shelves and pieces of equipment in kitchen; air vent above clean dish storage is dusty; there are broken/chipping tiles on back wall by fry fryer.
Apollo’s Flame Baked Pizza & Grill, 9410-B West Broad Street – The following violations were reported during a routine inspection: no handwash signgage is posted at hand sink in bathroom; two chemical spray bottles are unlabeled; bulk bins of flour and sugar are unlabeled; reach-in cooler has a torn gasket and rusted racks; observed dust buildup on standing cart next to pizza oven, under pizza oven, and on walk-in fan guard and ceiling; hand sink near back door doesn’t have hot water (person in charge states the sink leaks when hot water is turned on); women’s bathroom doesn’t have a covered trash can; there is food debris under the pizza press.
Thai Won On, 3422 Lauderdale Drive – The following violations were reported during a routine inspection: ServSafe certificate currently on display expired in November 2024 and person in charge states that there are no other certified food protection managers; facility couldn’t provide employee health policy or written procedures for cleaning up vomit and diarrhea; an employee used bare hands to grab a spring roll and place it in the fryer basket; hand sink in kitchen is blocked by a trash can; raw chicken is stored next to ready-to-eat food items in prep unit; raw shell eggs are stored over tomatoes and raw chicken is stored over sauce and lettuce in the walk-in cooler; dumplings in prep unit are not date marked; no thermometer is available; two rice scoops are stored in a container of standing water; clean silverware is stored uninverted; both door gaskets on prep unit are torn; racks in walk-in cooler are rusty; drying racks above three-compartment sink are covered in old debris and grease; mop isn’t hung or inverted to air dry.
FEB. 20
Ukrop’s Market Hall, 7250 Patterson Avenue – The following violations were reported during a routine inspection: kitchen staff are wearing a watch and bracelet; observed black old on wall behind dish machine.
FEB. 21
Arianna’s Italian Grill, 5107-09 Lakeside Avenue – The following violations were reported during a routine inspection: raw shrimp is stored above ready-to-eat foods; sliced hunk of turkey in reach-in cooler isn’t date marked; bulk containers of salt and sugar are unlabeled; to-go containers aren’t stored inverted; there is black grime on walls underneath three-compartment sink and hand sink; observed food stains on wall behind hot line cooking equipment; there is grime, dried food debris and trash on floor underneath hot line cooking equipment.
Subway, 9127 Staples Mill Road – No violations reported during a routine inspection.
Raising Cane’s, 10093 Brook Road – The following violations were reported during a routine inspection: person in charge couldn’t provide food protection manager certificate because it recently expired; sanitizer concentration is too low at three-compartment sink and in sanitizer buckets; dishes stored on clean rack still have food debris on them; employees with facial hair on the cook line aren’t wearing beard guards; mop sink with hose and spray nozzle attached doesn’t have a dual check valve installed.
Dunkin Donuts, 10260 West Broad Street – The following violations were reported during a routine inspection: observed leak from mop sink chemical dispenser; spray nozzle is connected to mop sink hose while not in use.
Sakura Japanese Restaurant, 9008 West Broad Street – The following violations were reported during a routine inspection: staff washed gloves at hand sink after handling tempura batter instead of washing hands and changing gloves; sushi bar hand sink doesn’t have hand soap; staff failed to sanitize bowl and tongs after washing; temperature of rice cooked last night is elevated; temperature of sprouts in prep unit are elevated; rice scoops are stored in ambient temperature water; lowboy racks at sushi bar are rusted; there is no water at the hand sink near bathroom (person in charge states the sink is turned off because it leaks).