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The parent of a student who brought a gun to Longdale Elementary School in Glen Allen May 16 is now facing two charges in connection with the incident.

Matthew Craig Berger, 39, of Henrico, faces one charge of abuse and neglect of children and one charge of allowing access to firearms by children.

If convicted of the former charge, Berger would be guilty of a Class 4 felony, which could bring a jail sentence of between 2 and 10 years and a possible fine of as much as $100,000. If convicted of the latter charge, he would be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor, which carries a possible jail sentence of no more than 12 months and a possible fine of as much as $2,500.

The gun Berger’s child brought to the school was found shortly before noon May 16 in a bathroom, after another student had notified a teacher about it. There was no known direct threat against anyone.