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Bees fascinate me – they always have. Our ecosystem depends on bees for so many things that we don’t even think about, like air quality, agriculture, and the simple beauty of a rolling field. Bee hives do not function without the queen, and the queen cannot function without the worker bees.

Characteristically, worker bees are females without the reproductive powers of the queen. For the sake of my narrative, ‘worker bees’ refer to any workers who aren’t the leader – and the world needs them.

The human world is full of folks who strive to lead or be ‘the boss.’ Professional sports teams, organizations, and even production companies need a leader of some sort for sure, or else things would devolve into an unproductive free-for-all. Some leaders are absolute worker bees, but not all worker bees can be leaders.

Stephanie McNamara

Each worker on a team (of any kind) has a role. Some people are most comfortable in a supportive role, making sure the work is getting done. They don’t need to be on the forefront in any capacity.

In football, the quarterback can’t do his job without a dependable receiver or effective offensive line. And behind that receiver and offensive line are dozens on a practice squad helping them get better, as well as a coaching staff that no one ever sees behind the scenes, ensuring everything stays on track. Generally you aren’t seeing the practice squad being interviewed after a big win, but they do what they need to do because it is part of their job and they are grateful to have the responsibility.

What about our jobs? We all have a boss of some kind, and if you are doing your job properly, you are one of the many worker bees making sure the gears keep moving forward. Some workers have more of a leadership role than others, but they still need to work together for the common goal of success no matter what capacity. I would venture to say that most who work outside of the home have encountered fellow worker bees who resent not being more of a leader, but the world needs worker bees!

Worker bees do the research behind the reports being presented and make sure everything is in place for the conference. Worker bees assure that supplies are ordered and technology is up and running. These aren’t the flashy parts of a team, but companies and organizations could not function without them.

Do many folks think about how the TV show, song, movie, or theatrical production are produced for our entertainment? If we stop and look at the credits listed with any of the aforementioned, there are dozens, if not hundreds, of worker bees behind the scenes making sure everything moves forward. No role is insignificant as they build off of each other.

What would a Broadway show be without the lighting? What would a TV show be without make-up artists? What would a Grammy-award winning artist be without the sound mixer?

I, for one, celebrate the worker bees of the world and am proudly one myself. I am comfortable making sure things around me run smoothly whether it be professionally or personally without anyone knowing my contribution. If my house is still standing and I continue to bring value to my workplace, I consider myself successful … without the crown.