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Like every other American, or Earthling for that matter, I am surrounded all day everyday with reports, alerts, developments and discussions about the COVID-19 virus. With this thought in mind, I wanted to try and lift a few spirits instead of adding to frustration.

I should first give the disclaimer that you should not take my hopefulness as naivete. I’m fully aware of the severity of the situation and the havoc it has been wreaking all over the globe. That being said, and in the spirit of not contributing to the madness and hysteria, let’s look at some silver linings to this dark cloud.

1. Concentrated family time
With my son leaving for college this fall, I never would have had this much concentrated time with him under normal circumstances. We have watched more TV shows and movies together than we have in a long time. Although he is finishing his senior year online, he’s only on his computer for a couple of hours a day. Who needed the hassle of renting a tuxedo for prom or buying a corsage? Feel free to join in my personal mind games to see the silver lining in that one!

When I go to the gas station (gloved) or to pick up groceries from curbside pick-up, he rides with me. This definitely was not the case when he could freely go wherever or left for school every day. He hasn’t agreed to play games with me yet, but I know in my heart that is just around the corner.

When I check in on my parents, I am not in a hurry or on a schedule rushing to go to the next place on my list.  Those quality minutes are few and far between, and I’m grateful for them. I do crack up at my dad’s annoyance with my mom’s video meetings, as well as my mom’s annoyance about how loudly he is chewing.  Given that they genuinely nurture each other on a normal day and tell on each other when I get there, it makes for an entertaining distraction.

2. Saving money
Pre-virus, I worked from home most days and generally chose to spend half of my day at Starbucks, where I could work but also have bottomless iced tea and snacks on demand. Not being able to sit inside has kept me from spending that money on a daily basis. It has been almost three weeks since my last Starbucks purchase, because somehow it doesn’t taste the same to me in the drive-through.

Although I am thrilled that people are using takeout or delivery options to keep local restaurants up and running, I’m also stoked to save money by fixing meals at home. Not that I didn’t have the option of staying home for meals before, but being forced to limit interaction (even in a drive-through) has made the decision easy for me.

I’m saving money on new clothes and make-up because I rarely see anyone. I’m sure there are lots of people out there who feel better when they get dolled up – even to stay home – but I am not one of them. I love nothing more than days when I can wear jogging shorts and a long sleeve t-shirt with no make-up and my hair in a ponytail. These days it is my uniform. Which leads me to the next silver lining. . .

3. No first-dates!
Even though I would love to be able to have a partner to lean on during these trying times, I have no interest in trying to find him in a hurry. Sometimes you want to laugh and have a cocktail with someone but don’t necessarily want to have to be on your best behavior. What I mean by ‘best behavior’ is avoiding particular topics of discussion, not speaking the way you normally do so as to not offend, watching your posture, flirting but not being too flirty, being knowledgeable but not a know-it-all – the list goes on and on. It is exhausting!

Social distancing has given me the perfect (and truthful) reason why I can’t have those right now. This also goes along with my relief that I currently don’t need to get particularly glammed up.

Again, don’t take my attempt at levity as a lackadaisical approach to this global pandemic.

Instead, please accept it as a suggestion of changing perspective. I recently read this line, which seems fitting: “Instead of thinking of yourself as stuck at home, think of yourself as safe at home.”

Attitude and perspective change everything. Stay safe and remember this too shall pass.