Table of Contents
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Supervisors of Henrico County, Virginia, will hold a public hearing on December 17, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., in the Board Room at the Henrico County Government Center, Parham and Hungary Spring Roads, Henrico, Virginia, to consider the following Resolutions:
- Abandonment and Conveyance of a Portion of All Star Boulevard - Fairfield District
- Abandonment and Conveyance of a Portion of Telegraph Road - Fairfield District
- Signatory Authority – Lease to Westwood East End Pharmacy – Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services East Center - 3908 Nine Mile Road – Varina District
- Signatory Authority – Quitclaim of Portion of a Utility Easement – 4501 Marshall Run Circle – Three Chopt District
- Signatory Authority – Conveyance of Real Property – 3808 Nine Mile Road – Varina District
Anyone may attend the meeting and express an opinion on the above matters. In addition, anyone may be heard remotely during the meeting by phone or through the internet by completing and submitting the signup form in advance of the meeting. The signup form is available at Alternatively, anyone may submit written comments in advance of the meeting by email to, through the County’s webpage listed above, or by regular mail to Clerk, Henrico County Board of Supervisors, P.O. Box 90775, Henrico, VA 23273-0775. Any written comments received in advance of the meeting will be provided to the Board of Supervisors before the hearing and included in the record of the hearing.
Copies of the full text of the proposed resolutions are available for examination in the Office of the County Manager in the County Administration Building at Parham and Hungary Spring Roads between 8:00 am. and 4:30 pm. each business day and online at
Given under my hand this 5th day of December 2024.
Tanya N. Brackett, Clerk
Henrico Board of Supervisors