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Virginia Governor Ralph Northam Thursday announced tighter restrictions for state residents in an attempt to combat the increasing spread of COVID-19.

A statewide modified stay-at-home order will be in place from midnight to 5 a.m. It takes effect at 12:01 a.m. Monday.

“If you don’t need to go out, stay home,” said Northam. Exceptions include obtaining food and goods, traveling to and from work, and seeking medical attention.

In addition, Northam reduced the number of people allowed to gather in one location from 25 to 10.

“When groups are smaller, it spreads less,” he said. Social gatherings include, but are not limited to, parties, celebrations, or other social events, regardless of whether they occur indoors or outdoors.

The change does not apply to religious services, employment settings, or educational settings, Northam said. Restaurants and retail stores already are governed by strict social distancing requirements and also are not included in this limit.

The Virginia Department of Health reported 3,915 new cases of COVID-19 Thursday morning, and the current 7-day average of new cases is currently 3,791.

“Case numbers have been rising for weeks – they are now at record high levels,” Northam said in a press conference Thursday afternoon. “They are higher now than they ever have been.”

Hospitalizations have increased by more than 80% in Virginia over the last four weeks. The biggest problem in hospitals right now is staffing, Northam said.

“The nurses and doctors are literally exhausted,” he said.

“I put an ungodly amount of bodies into body bags,” a healthcare worker in southwest Virginia named Emily said during a video Northam played during the press conference. “This is real. I understand the sacrifice but seeing these people die that can’t breathe. It starts to take a toll on you.”

As part of Northam’s new orders, anyone who can’t maintain a distance of at least six feet from other people will be required to wear a mask outdoors.

“We can all do that, so please wear a mask,” he said.

The order expands the current statewide mask mandate, which has been in place since May 29, and requires all individuals aged five and over to wear face coverings in indoor and outdoor public settings outside of their own households. These changes are consistent with new CDC guidelines, released Dec. 4, which recommend universal wearing of face coverings.

There will be no additional restrictions to dining establishments. Bars are closed, with no alcohol sales after 10 p.m., and there must be six feet between tables. Patrons must wear masks when they are not eating, and every employee must wear a mask.

The new orders will remain in effect until Jan 31. Northam said he doesn’t intend to extend the order but cautioned that he might have to, depending upon how the virus progresses.

Northam said enforcement of these orders will step up.

The changes won’t affect schools in Virginia at any level, according to Northam.

“We know that [school] is the best place for our students,” he said.

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This article first appeared on It is republished here with permission.