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The following area students recently graduated from the University of Mississippi: Christopher Ryan Steiner, of Glen Allen; and Waleed Mohamedain Suliman, Brian Christopher Zack, Douglas Bradford Dyke, John William Cunningham, Andrew Earl Roupas and Andrew David Stone Dyson, of Henrico.

Francis Quainoo of Henrico recently was initiated into the all-discipline collegiate honor society Phi Kappa Phi. Quainoo was initiated at University of Maryland Global Campus.

University of Alabama student Thi Xuan Ngan Trang of Henrico participated in UA's Cooperative Education Program for spring 2021. Trang worked for Tiffin Motorhomes. In the Cooperative Education Program, students alternate periods of full-time study with periods of full-time employment. This program offers work related to the academic major or career interests of each student.

Tessa Gwathmey of Henrico recently graduated with a master of education degree from Concordia University in Seward, Neb.

The No. 8-seed Eastern Mennonite University Royals toppled No. 1 seed, nationally ranked Randolph-Macon, on May 9 to advance to the Old Dominion Athletic Conference semifinals. EMU defeated the Yellow Jackets 7-4, taking the best-of-three series. The Royals will travel to Winchester to take on the fourth-seeded Hornets in the semifinals Saturday, May 15. Sean Bonner of Glen Allen is a member of the EMU Royals baseball team.

Anna Foster Sherrill of Henrico recently was inducted into the Order of the Gown at the University of the South. The Order of the Gown is an academic honor society and a unique student government body among U.S. colleges and universities. The wearing of the gown is both a sign of academic achievement and a promise to continue the ideals and traditions of the University. Sherrill is the daughter of Jennine and Edwin Scott Sherrill.

David Durrette of Henrico graduated May 7 from Bob Jones University in Greenville, S.C. Durrette earned a bachelor of science degree in Business Administration.