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MEDARVA Healthcare hosts second virtual science fair

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MEDARVA Healthcare has announced a second virtual science fair, on the heels of one earlier this year that took place after schools shut down and science fairs were canceled.

The new fair begins Dec. 10 and is free and open to any Richmond-area student in grades 6-12.

Students are encouraged to begin working on their submissions now, which will be accepted from April 1 to May 15. Winners will be notified by June 1.

The organization’s first virtual science fair received 56 submissions from Richmond-area students from public, private, and home schools. Ankita Adhvaryu of Godwin High School was crowned as Senior Division champion, while Camellia Sharma of Moody Middle School was named Junior Division champion.

“We thought the participation was a success and the entire team is excited to be hosting a second virtual science fair,” said Cheryl Jarvis, chair of the MEDARVA Foundation. “An extension of the MEDARVA Foundation’s mission is to encourage interest in research and science at an early age, and what better way to cultivate that curiosity than with a science fair. These students are the future of modern science, and it is imperative that we take the time to invest in their education.”

With many schools continuing to operate virtually or in a hybrid model during the 2020-2021 school year, MEDARVA Healthcare sought to support and encourage Richmond-area students to explore their curiosities in science. Students are asked to investigate an interesting topic and submit a summary, an experimental design diagram, and a short video highlighting their project. A team of judges will score the student entries for a chance to win one of three monetary awards ($500, $1,000 or $1,500) in both the middle school and high school categories.

The fair is open to eligible students who:
• would like to conduct an at-home DIY research project of their choosing;
• have conducted an “epic fail” project: something that did not quite turn out as expected;
• have conducted a school-based project that they want to share with the community.

For details, visit