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U.S. Congresswoman Jennifer McClellan (D-4th District-VA) and Congressman Paul Tonko (D-NY) have joined to introduce the Improving Mentorship in STEM Higher Education Act, a bill that would provide resources for institutions to strengthen mentorship programs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

The act would create a demonstration program to support projects that improve mentorship practices and provide resources for graduate researchers, postdoctoral researchers, and faculty, with special consideration for institutions that serve underrepresented populations. It also would assess the effectiveness of the demonstration program on increasing the quality of mentorship in STEM education and report those findings to Congress.

And, it would require institutions of higher education that receive National Science Foundation funding to disseminate information on existing institutional and agency reporting processes for any professional misconduct, including discrimination, harassment, or retaliation.

“American innovation and global leadership relies on a highly qualified, diverse STEM workforce,” said McClellan. “As a member of the House Science Committee, I will continue working to build and diversify the STEM workforce to support our nation’s continued advancement. The Improving Mentorship in STEM Higher Education Act takes important steps to strengthen STEM mentorship programs and ensure students from all backgrounds have the resources and support they need to thrive."