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May 17-21 is “Bike to Work Week,” and Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation officials are encouraging Virginians who can to participate. For those who can’t bike all the way to work, officials suggesting biking to a bus stop and taking the bus as another option, when available.

For longer commutes, Amtrak Virginia now offers a carry-on bike program for a small fee.

“Biking is an important part of Virginia’s multi-modal transportation system, promoting health, mobility, love of our great outdoors, and economic development,” said Secretary of Transportation Shannon Valentine. “Introducing our new state-sponsored Amtrak Carry-On Bike Program offers commuters an additional easy, active and affordable option to reach their final destinations.”

By biking at least one day to work, riders can cut costs on parking, gas, and wear on their vehicles, state officials said, while also helping reduce air pollution.

“In addition to the hundreds of miles of bike lanes and trails across Virginia, multiple cities, counties, and universities have bike-share programs. There are also many resources available for commuters biking to work, including bike racks at most park-and-ride lots and on many transit services,” said Jennifer Mitchell, director of the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation.

In addition to Bike to Work Week, DRPT is also celebrating Bike to Work Day on Friday, May 21. Visit to learn more.