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Dear Editor:

Every day we hear how modern-day politics has gotten so nasty with families divided on party lines and politicians unable to bridge the divides to do the work of the people who were elected. We in the First District in Virginia are different in that we have a representative who lives and comes home to sleep in the district every day. You might find him having breakfast at many local establishments from Henrico to New Kent to Montross. He makes himself accountable to his constituents every morning before he drives for hours to work.

Our representative has led the way on bipartisan legislation that continues to focus on kitchen table issues important to Virginia families. Representative Rob Wittman (VA-01) has been a steadfast political centrist who has been dedicated to fighting out-of-control inflation caused by runaway government spending. Unlike his colleagues in DC, Rob is always approachable and takes the time to explain his votes on any issue. We may not agree on his position on every vote he takes, but he is always transparent about how and why he arrived at the decision to vote one way or the other.

I encourage all my friends and neighbors in Henrico to make a point to come to an event this year to meet Rob Wittman and voice your views on any issue important to your community. He has been a solid fighter for our brave men and women in law enforcement as well as the military in Virginia. Without a doubt, Rob has their back in DC and as a result my support on the ballot.

Richard Roberts, II