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Kroger's peanut butter drive raises more than $391,000

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Kroger Mid-Atlantic’s annual peanut butter drive generated nearly $400,000 in donated funds and peanut butter, according to the chain. The drive ran from Sept. 13 through Oct. 10 and encouraged shoppers to purchase peanut butter and then donate it in bins at the stores. Customers also were able to round up their overall purchase price to help fund the drive.

The total of $391,789 in donated money and peanut butter represented a 29% increase from last year’s total.

Stores in the Richmond region sold $49,680 worth of peanut butter, and the Atlee store at 9351 Atlee Road had the third highest total of all Mid-Atlantic stores, selling $10,345 worth of peanut butter.

The peanut butter donations come at a time when food bank demand is high. All donations help local food pantries re-stock their shelves ahead of the holidays.