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The J.R. Tucker High School Marine Corps JROTC team has advanced to compete this summer in the 2021 U.S. Marine Corps JROTC Academic Bowl Championship in Washington, D.C. The event will be held at The Catholic University of America July 23-27.

The Tucker JROTC Academic Team – which includes juniors Maliha Chowdhury and Aidan Kennedy; sophomores Sharon Albert, Ayden Feria, and Jalan Rimal; and freshman Natalie Sherlock – earned the opportunity after advancing through two phases of online competition.

This event is sponsored by the U.S. Marine Corps JROTC and is conducted by the College Options Foundation.

During the two fast-paced preliminary rounds, cadets were tested on their knowledge of core curriculum such as math, science, and language arts as well as current events, citizenship, and leadership skills. The Tucker team earned top scores out of the 91 Marine Corps JROTC academic teams that competed from around the world. It’s one of only eight MCJROTC Academic Bowl teams in the nation to advance to the final competition, which includes an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C.

This is the third year in a row in which a team from Tucker has qualified for the national event – which it won in 2019.

The JROTC Leadership & Academic Bowl is designed exclusively for JROTC students, as a chance for them to learn more about the values of citizenship, academic competition and college opportunity.