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With less than one week until the Nov. 6 general election, the Henrico Citizen posed the same questions to each candidate for office in contested local and state races that impact Henrico County.

The answers of those who responded by the deadline appear here.

1. Why should residents of your district vote for you as their Congressional representative? McAdams – I am a person of character and principle who loves people and who will faithfully serve the diverse needs of the citizens of the 4th District. McEachin – I have effectively advocated for the citizens of the 4th Congressional District in my two years in in Congress and I will continue to stand up for the values and principles of my constituents. I am also a problem-solver; we have resolved almost 1,000 constituent service cases with federal agencies and returned over $400,000 of money owed to constituents. I have worked hard to address issues of particular concern in our district including expanding access to broadband, eliminating food deserts, and updating and modernizing infrastructure, and of particular concern in the eastern side of the district, addressing climate change and sea level rise. * * * Brat – I have done what I said I would do when I was elected. I voted consistently to help our economy grow through lower regulations and a lower tax burden. I voted against runaway spending bills that are burdending the next generation with debt. I worked for common sense immigration reform that will secure our border and protect the American worker. And I voted to reform Obamacare in a way that lowers costs and gives people more health insurance options. Spanberger – Because it is time we had a representative in Congress who is committed to understanding the challenges facing our communities and focused on serving the people of this district. I have served as a federal law enforcement officer with the US Postal Inspection Service and as an Operations Officer with the CIA, overseeing high-profile programs in service to the United States. After a decade of service, I moved my family back home to Henrico County, began working in the private sector, and pivoted my commitment to service to our community, as a Girl Scout leader, advocate, and volunteer. In our current climate, Congress needs more members who are committed to public service, serving our communities, and working to create and pass legislation that will benefit all Americans. I have the commitment and background to be this type of elected leader, and the work ethic and motivation to make a positive impact on Central Virginia families. Walton – Background, knowledge and commitment: I am a former chair of the Powhatan County Board of Supervisors with a record of accountable and effective leadership in central Virginia. I am a sensible centrist with a genuine interest in working with constituents, leaders across the state, and federal peers to solve problems in Washington. I believe in and advocate for socially inclusive and fiscally responsible approaches to public policy. I will be a “fiercely independent” voice to fight polarization, gridlock, gerrymandering, and obscene money in politics!

2. What will be your top focus in Congress? McAdams – 1. attentive and responsive constituency services; 2. service and benefits to our veterans; 3. innovative solutions for affordable housing and workforce training. McEachin – My top focus in Congress is addressing the issues of concern to the district, expanding broadband, eliminating food deserts, repairing our infrastructure, and addressing sea level rise. Additionally, I will continue to stand up for the values and principles of my constituents. * * * Brat – As a professor for two decades, I thought it was immoral that our kids were graduating from college without good job prospects. That is why it is so important that we keep the economy moving forward by protecting the tax cuts and working to rollback unnecessary regulations. We also need to continue our work to take federal restrictions off our local school districts and empower them to expand career and technical education so that our kids have more options when they graduate. Finally, to help maintain a strong job market, we need to roll back Obamacare and replace it with a plan that brings down out-of-pocket costs. Spanberger – My priorities are: making health care and prescription drugs more affordable and protecting coverage for those with pre-existing conditions; safeguarding Social Security and Medicare benefits; keeping our nation safe by supporting our service members, diplomats, intelligence officers, and law enforcement; and, making the economy work for all of us by attracting good-paying jobs to Virginia, supporting small businesses, and strengthening job training and technical education. Walton – Healthcare: Virginia should accept the finality of the Affordable Care Act on behalf of the people of the Commonwealth and the health care and insurance providers. We need to stop wasting resources resisting Medicaid expansion (which has occurred as of May, 2018) and move on to improving its administration and effectiveness. I support the Alexander/Murray Bipartisan Health Care Stabilization Act 2017 and other improvements towards a more efficient and effective health care and insurance marketplace that decouples healthcare from employer/employment and may be identified by outcome-improvement-focused experts.

3. What is the most critical issue: 1) facing your district? 2) facing Virginia? How do you propose to address these?McAdams – The economy and healthcare. I will advocate for low taxes and less burdensome regulations for our small businesses. Opportunities for workforce and career development – particularly trade schools. Lower medication costs and a quality healthcare system that gives people choice and creates market competition to bring the cost down and make healthcare accessible and affordable. McEachin – The most critical issue facing both the district and Virginia is access to affordable quality health care that ensures those with pre-existing conditions get the care they need. I will continue to advocate each and every day in Congress to ensure a health care plan that covers Americans in an affordable quality way. * * * Brat – Obamacare dramatically increased healthcare costs, with premiums going up by 150%. Also, many people on Obamacare plans cannot afford the huge deductibles which means they are paying thousands and thousands of dollars before seeing a dime of health insurance coverage. We need to replace Obamacare with a plan that lowers premiums while protecting people who have pre-existing conditions. I worked on two key issues that impact the safety of our communities. One is the opioid epidemic and the other is human trafficking. I worked to pass a bill that was signed into law on each issue, including a bill that cracked down on online human trafficking. I remain committed to getting federal funding down to the recovery organizations and law enforcement treating people with opioid addictions. Spanberger – The number one concern is healthcare. Once in Congress, I will work to ensure that every person has quality, affordable healthcare. We can improve our healthcare system, while lowering costs, ensuring greater coverage, and achieving better outcomes. To increase coverage nationwide, I support a public option, specifically the proposed Medicare-X Choice Act currently before Congress. Despite my opponent’s claims, I do not support the single-payer proposal before Congress. Walton – My first priority will be to improve constituent services and accountability in the 7th District by holding town halls throughout the district and also regular office hours in Washington and in the District. Secondarily I will pursue greater oversight of the Executive Branch and the agencies which have not been held to high enough standards in the current Congress and by the incumbent by influencing the speaker to hold oversight hearing. I will pursue aggressive public-private partnerships with broadband providers, the localities, state, and federal government for getting universal broadband internet service provided to the entire state.

4. How will you involve citizens in matters of Congress?
McAdams – I will create citizen advisory committees around important issues like housing, veteran affairs, farming, small business, workforce training, etc. that will provide a creative means of citizen input to help deliver ideas and create solutions to the problems we face.
McEachin – I will continue to host town hall meetings, send newsletters, send email correspondence, conduct Coffee with your Congressman events, attend neighborhood and civic association meetings, and tour the great small businesses in the 4th District.

Brat – Over the past two years, I have attended 500 events, including visits at town hall meetings, service organizations, community gatherings, schools, veterans groups, law enforcement and much more throughout the 7th District and talked to thousands and thousands of people throughout Central Virginia. I have also responded to over 100,000 letters, emails and phone calls from people around the district on issues that matter to them. This direct engagement with the people I represent is key to doing my job in Congress, and I will continue to listen to you.
Spanberger – People feel that their opinion does not matter, that their needs do not matter and that ultimately their vote does not matter. We need greater transparency and accountability in Congress. Once elected, I have made a commitment to hold regular town halls in each of the 10 counties in the 7th District and to release a public schedule so that my constituents will know how I am spending my time.
Walton – I will barnstorm the district starting in November with town halls throughout the district and keep holding at least quarterly – and more frequently as needed – district meetings during my service.

5. What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend?
McAdams – Time with the family outdoors either at the beach or in the mountains – hiking and fishing.
McEachin – I enjoy spending time with my wife of 30 years, who is a prosecutor in the City of Richmond and taking walks with our dog Cheyenne.

Brat – I come home from Washington every weekend and travel to meet with people all over the 7th District. Because I spend most weeks away from my family, I also make it a priority to spend time with them.
Spanberger – On the weekends, I enjoy getting across the district and meeting people, especially at community events and meet and greets. My husband, Adam, and I enjoy taking our daughters to local events and parks, riding our bikes or just relaxing at home with our extended family.
Walton – Saturday is yoga at the gym then a bike ride or some kid-friendly adventure in central Virginia, followed by a kidsitter and dinner out featuring Virginia wine and my wonderful girlfriend, Melissa.Sunday is usually a slower version of Saturday with leftovers or something from the smoker and party of six to the gym pool in Midlothian.

6. What personal or professional clubs or organizations are you a member of?
McAdams – I am a Watchman Pastor with the Family Research Council. I am also a member of the NRA and the Virginia Civil Defense League.
McEachin – I am a member of Ebenezer Baptist Church, a lifetime member of the NAACP and of Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity. I have served on numerous boards and commissions, including the VCU Health System Board of Directors.

Brat – Before joining Congress, I served both Republican and Democratic governors on the Joint Advisory Board of Economists, providing critical economic forecasts to help manage the Commonwealth. I was president of the Virginia Association of Economists. I served on the Virginia Board of Accountancy, the Richmond Metropolitan Authority, The Great Aspirations Scholarship Program, and the investment board overseeing retirement assets for the Virginia Association of Counties.
Spanberger – I am the leader of my daughter’s Girl Scout Troop. I am a member of the Virginia Fair Housing Board. I am a member of the Henrico County Democratic Committee and the NAACP. Before running for office, I was active with our local chapter of Mom’s Demand Action.
Walton – I have been active in Richmond professional theatre for more than 10 years as a board member and support administration.Professionally I am heavily involved in technology and academic endeavors and my Ph.D. dissertation work related to cybersecurity, blockchain, and cryptocurrency.

7. Additional information
Spanberger – For the past year and a half, I’ve spent time in living rooms, garages, fire stations, community buildings - even an aikido dojo - meeting voters in each of our 10 counties. I am asking that people vote for me Nov. 6, and I pledge to demonstrate to all voters that I am worthy of their trust.
Walton – Highlights from my service on the County of Powhatan Board of Supervisors include: planning and securing funding for the widening of Huguenot Trail east of Route 288, planning for the well-designed Wal-mart development on Route 60 and a new Comprehensive Plan, and creating the Huguenot Trail Advisory Committee Report for an important historic byway in the County of Powhatan. I am a graduate of VCU and also hold a Master of Public Administration from its L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs. Learn more at