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With less than one week until the Nov. 7 general election, the Henrico Citizen posed the same questions to both candidates for the Brookland District Supervisor's seat. Their answers appear here.

1. Why should residents of your district vote for you as supervisor?

Lynch – I believe that leadership is not about power, prestige or perks. It’s about service and responsibility. I’d like to earn the opportunity to serve our great community. I will bring multidimensional leadership experience as a mom, Marine, attorney and business owner to the role. The diversity of perspective I’ve gained through those roles will allow me to see issues, concerns and opportunities from a variety of vantage points as I work to lead Henrico forward.

Witte – As a retired Henrico Fire Captain and Dick Glover appointee to various positions in Henrico, I have the experience necessary to represent Brookland well from my first day in office. As a retiree with grown children, I will be a full-time Supervisor like Dick was. I will hold the line on spending and taxes to keep economic development strong so our citizens have good jobs.

2. What would be your top focus as a supervisor?

Lynch – Being available to listen, understand and support the resolution of issues and concerns citizens bring to me. I will also work to proactively capitalize on opportunities to strengthen our community.

Witte – My primary focus is providing full-time representation to citizens like Dick Glover did. I spent a lot of time with Dick travelling throughout Brookland, talking with people about problems and solutions. I will continue to champion the Brookland District, providing the leadership citizens deserve and expect.

3. What is the most critical issue: 1) facing your district? 2) facing Henrico? How do you propose to address these?

Lynch – The most critical issue facing the Brookland District will be how we respond to, and shape, growth. From revitalizing blighted areas, to ensuring future building out of our district is done in a manner that enhances our quality of life, I want to lead a transparent effort to grow Brookland smartly. The most critical issue facing Henrico is the need to continue to strengthen our schools. Certainly, to give our children the best opportunity for the future, yet also to keep our real estate values strong and economic development opportunities plentiful.

Witte – Brookland needs a supervisor experienced in planning and zoning as Henrico revises its Comprehensive Plan soon, impacting retail corridors, residential development, schools, and the general welfare of citizens. My years on the Planning Commission have prepared me to represent Brookland well in this critical process. Henrico needs strong leaders to keep our economic climate strong. A careful balance between low tax rates and strong investments in economic development, education, entertainment venues, libraries, parks, and public safety – have all made Henrico attractive to quality employers. That’s why we’ve weathered storms well while other localities have suffered. I will continue that fiscal discipline to keep Henrico prosperous.

4. How will you involve citizens in Henrico government matters?

Lynch – My goal is to bring greater transparency to government actions. Citizens have expressed their concern that the county does a decent job of telling them what’s going to happen once it’s been decided, yet they would like more opportunities for their voice to be heard when it comes to determining what should happen. I will hold regular town hall meetings in our district. And, I will work to engage citizens virtually on social media platforms. Whether it’s face to face, online or by phone, I will be responsive to all who want to be involved and heard.

Witte – Dick Glover always knew the citizens were his boss. I feel the same way. I’m glad Henrico works hard to seek citizen input before making decisions affecting their lives. Glover also faithfully knocked on doors, called neighbors, and sought opinions that hadn’t been voluntarily offered to county officials. People sometimes doubt their views will matter, but I know they deserve to be heard. I’ll follow Glover’s example with Brookland citizens.

5. What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend?

Lynch – I love quiet time to reflect and refresh. Spending time relaxing with my family and friends is always a highlight. So are early morning walks with my dog in Crump Park. And, you are likely to catch me at the NOVA pool, Striker Park or the YMCA ball fields cheering on my kids! We attend an evening church service on Sundays, I really value that time. I’m also a big reader. I read lots of nonfiction, but enjoy a weekly review of People magazine for fun.

Witte – My favorite weekends are spent with family and friends at community events. There’s nothing like being with those you love at youth sporting events, watching fireworks, or participating in a parade or festival in your own community. My favorite event is Brookland’s annual Glen Allen Day festival and parade, where everyone--from toddlers to grandparents--gets to enjoy a day of fun activities, good food, and great music.

6. What personal or professional clubs or organizations are you a member of?

Lynch – I’ve served on the Board of We Heart Harlie and Friends Foundation that helps families offset the costs of medically fragile children. I was a presidential appointee to the Small Business Administration’s Advisory Committee on Veteran’s Business Affairs, where I served as vice chairman in support of creating pathways for veterans to start businesses. And, I am proud to say I have served as the vice president of the Glen Allen Elementary School PTA. Today, I am a member of both the Glen Allen and Hungary Creek PTAs. I am also a member of Renaissance Weekend. Renaissance Weekend is a gathering of the nation’s innovative leaders. It was an honor to be invited to join.

Witte – I have lived in Brookland for over 40 years. It’s where I built a home, raised my family, coached youth sports, and worked as a firefighter. I served as athletic director and president of Longdale Recreation Association, president of the OLL Athletic Association, and supported the Hermitage High School PTA. I’m currently active in the Knights of Columbus and the Glen Allen Ruritan Club. My wife and I attend Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church on Woodman Road.

7. Additional information

Witte – Expanding sports tourism, overseeing new park construction, and improving schools will be high priorities for me. School class sizes vary greatly, with many students in crowded classrooms. I will support school construction and improvements to stay ahead of population changes and improve classroom experiences for students and teachers. Likewise, I will approve the funds necessary for the School Board to provide a quality education for all of our students.