In the Garden: Kid- and pet-friendly indoor gardening
Creating an indoor oasis of greenery can help lift your spirits, reduce stress and improve your overall wellbeing. Challenges arise when growing indoor plants with kids and pets in the house. Keep them safe by selecting pet- and kid-safe plants and pest management strategies. Increase your indoor gardening success by
Click here to read moreIn the Garden: Be a weather watching gardener
Each gardening season seems to offer new growing challenges. Our gardens are exposed to more drastic and variable weather with changing weather patterns. Floods, droughts, wind, temperature extremes, and unseasonable weather episodes can have immediate and long-term impacts on our plants. Monitoring and noting these occurrences will help you diagnose
Click here to read moreIn the Garden: Maximize seed starting success with a seed starting chart
Now is the time when many of us are busy ordering seeds. We often end up with many seeds, some new ones we needed or wanted and perhaps a few duplicates of those we have left from past seasons. It is easy to overlook some of these as the indoor
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