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Lori Barnes teaches special needs students at Pemberton Elementary School, and although she loves her job, it was her own dislike for science that led her to this path.

In high school, Barnes had the option to take physics or volunteer helping special needs students at an elementary school.

“Well that’s a no-brainer,” she recalled. “I'm going to take the volunteering in the elementary school.”

Barnes loved her time volunteering so much, she decided to make it her career.

She is willing to search far and wide for whatever it takes to help her students. And with nearly 30 years of teaching experience, you could say she’s done a good job finding it.

“Mrs. Barnes goes above and beyond with some very uniquely challenging students to make sure they feel emotionally safe, ready to learn, and academically challenged,” one parent wrote in a nomination. “She is a team player who ensures that parents' and children's voices are heard and valued.”

Barnes can make her job look easy with all of the enjoyment in the classroom, but she says that the most difficult part is explaining to parents for the first time about their students' disabilities.

“Trying to help them understand the disability – not that it’s a bad thing, just that there is one,” Barnes said. Barnes enjoys the amount of flexibility she has in her class. She is able to use many different techniques to fit with the way each student learns best.

Sometimes this can require a combination of techniques and programs, and though it may take some extra time to figure out what works, she loves watching when her students finally get it.

“I love the times when the light bulb goes on,” she said. “Our students struggle so much anyway, but when they get it it’s so exciting – for them and for me.”

Excitement and having fun play a big role with Barnes’ class. For her it’s all about making sure they have a good time.

“It needs to be fun – that's how they remember and learn best,” she said. “If you can learn and have fun at the same time, then that’s just a huge bonus.