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The challenge of teaching, according to James Clark, is achieving the right balance. It's a constant struggle to stay on track with planned lessons and activities – while acknowledging the reality that schedules might well go off track.

"Some days," Clark said, "I’ll have multiple great activities planned and my students will do really well and everything works. Other days, you start out thinking you’re going to complete myriad different activities – and you end up only getting a fraction completed."

But Clark, who teaches social studies at Elko Middle School, has plenty of inspiration to help him through the bumpy days.

"My grandmother was a teacher for 50 years," he said. "Her kindness and patience inspires me to work hard every day to be the best teacher possible."

Clark's own social studies teacher in high school, Mr. Triesler, helped inspire his love of the subject and "was always positive and encouraging," he said.

And then there's his grandfather, who passed away a few years ago, but whose favorite saying of “never give up” has sustained Clark through many a tough moment. The mantra always is a part of pep talks with the teams that he coaches – and in one game last year, it paid off in a big way.

With the district championship on the line in a game between Elko's girls soccer team and rival Fairfield, Elko gave up two quick goals near game's end. With his team down by one goal with 10 minutes to play, Clark and his fellow coach implored the girls not to give up. Elko tied the score with five minutes left and went on to win after a player stole the ball, dribbled downfield and drilled in a shot on goal with just seconds remaining.

"When we scored," Clark recalled, "I was jumping up and down yelling with sheer joy. It was a moment I’ll never forget as long as I live."

A parent and fellow educator who nominated Clark noted that he inspires in the everyday classroom setting just as much as he does on the field.

"It is clear when I speak to him that he truly cares about his students and knows them individually," wrote the parent, adding that Clark took the student under his wing and helped him after he transferred to Elko.

"He has motivated my son and constantly makes him work to his potential," the parent wrote. "My son never wants to be absent on the days when he has Mr. Clark for class. He enjoys every moment spent in his classroom."

For Clark, the enjoyment is mutual.

"Every time a student tells me that I make learning fun, or that they enjoy my class, it makes my day and my week," he says. "Every positive note that I receive or 'aha' moment brings me joy.

"Teaching is an amazing privilege," Clark said. "I feel blessed to teach and coach every day. The kindness, candor, and encouragement that I experience with my students is the fuel that drives me."