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Henrico School Board flips policy, will require masks in schools for all

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Patrick Miller, president of the Henrico Education Association (right) led a group of HEA members and community members advocating for universal masking in schools. (Anna Bryson/ Henrico Citizen)

The Henrico County Public Schools division will require masks for all students and employees – regardless of vaccination status – for the 2021-2022 school year, with a few exceptions, including P.E. and naps.

School board members voted unanimously at Thursday’s school board meeting to approve the updated recommendations from the HCPS health committee. Somewhat ironically, the vote came just as State Health Commissioner M. Norman Oliver was releasing a health order mandating that masks be worn in all public and private K-12 schools by everyone 2 years and older. That order takes the decision-making process out of the hands of local school boards.

“We want to do the very best we can on the health committee, the best we can on the school board and the best we can in our communities to protect ourselves and our children,” said board member Alicia Atkins, who represents the Varina District. “We understand as parents that we love our children, and we want the best for them.”

HCPS announced a mask-optional policy July 27, when the COVID-19 transmission level in Henrico were considered moderate. But as of Thursday, it was considered high, according to standards from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The decision to update recommendations was made in response to “rapidly changing conditions,” said Beth Teigen, chief of staff of Henrico Schools.

Before the meeting, a group of about 10 people held a pro-mask mandate rally outside of the school board chambers. The gathering was organized by the Henrico Education Association, the local affiliate of the Virginia Education Association.

“We believe that a mask mandate for the county as wide as possible, as universal as possible, is the safest, best way for this new school year,” said HEA member John Reaves. “On the heels of a pretty devastating, difficult school year.”

Thursday, Teigen said that HCPS’s message to parents and staff July 27 was sent “just moments after” new federal guidance was released that recommends universal indoor masking for all teachers, staff, students, and visitors to K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status. Previously, the CDC signaled it was safe for fully vaccinated people to stop masking in most settings.

She stressed that guidance from the Virginia Department of Education and the Virginia Department of Health (prior to Thursday's health order from Oliver) had left decisions in the hands of local school divisions. She did not mention that the guidance also recommended that school divisions enforce mask mandates for unvaccinated students and staff.

According to a Teigen, staff who are exposed to COVID-19 and are required to quarantine will have to use their sick time. However, Teigen said that students and staff who are fully vaccinated and those who wear a mask can "generally avoid quarantine protocols." HCPS now has four temporary positions allocated for contact tracing.

The health committee also recommended comprehensive guidelines for athletics. All athletes will be screened for symptoms before practices and competitions, and social distancing will be enforced in locker rooms. Small groups and “pods” will be utilized as much as possible.

Masks will be required when athletes aren’t actively exercising or competing, and masks will be required on buses, per a federal mandate.

Chesapeake Public Schools is now the only school division among the largest eight in Virginia to have a mask-optional policy, though it will be superseded by the new statewide health order.

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Anna Bryson is the Henrico Citizen’s education reporter and a Report for America corps member. Make a tax-deductible donation to support her work, and RFA will match it dollar for dollar.