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The Henrico NAACP honored nine individuals and organizations during its annual Freedom Fund banquet in Highland Springs Sept. 7.

The keynote speaker at the event (which also served as a fundraiser for the organization) was U.S. Congresswoman Jennifer McClellan, whose Fourth District includes Eastern Henrico.

The NAACP presented the following awards:

• Armed Services and Veterans Affairs Award – Nasir White. The award honors outstanding service and sacrifice.

• Annie E. Hewlett Award – Douglas Broome. The award recognizes a branch member whose exemplary contributions have advanced its work.

Henrico Citizen Owner/Publisher Tom Lappas accepts the Henrico NAACP's Community Collaboration Award from the organization's president, Monica Hutchinson Sept. 7, 2024, while Virginia State Senator Lashrecse Aird looks on. (Courtesy Henrico NAACP)

• Community Collaboration Award – the Henrico Citizen. The award recognizes a community leader whose work significant supported the efforts of the branch. The Citizen was recognized for its efforts to support Henrico communities and for its "dedication to reporting local news, featured podcasts, and stories of interest and influence to better inform the Henrico community."

• Community Advocate Award – Sheba Williams of NoLef Turns. The award recognizes a community leader who proactively advocates for issues that align with the mission of the branch.

• Virginia Randolph Award – Farifield Middle School Principal Gena Jones. The award recognizes an educator whose contributions within a Henrico school are innovative and expand access to opportunities for students.

• Trumpet Award – Dr. Lance Watson, pastor of St. Paul's Baptist Chuch. The award recognizes a leader within the faith-based community who has significantly supported the efforts of the branch through partnership.

• Vanguard Award – Delegate Delores McQuinn. The award recognizes a community leader who is a pioneer for social justice on behalf of people of color.

• A. Donald McEachin Award – Becky Lakin, The Giving Wall founder and Henricopolis Soil and Water Conservation District Board member. The award recognizes effective advocates for policies and practices that will significantly help the community be healthier and more sustainable for its inhabitants.

• Lucy Cordell Wells Award – Angela Rowe. The award is presented to a branch member whose accomplishments have significantly contributed to the advancement of the branch or otherwise improved the branch's efforts for equality and justice in the community.