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The Relationship Foundation of Virginia honored eight local fathers Oct. 14 during its annual fatherhood event.

Henrico father Kyle Stephenson (pictured, center, holding award) was crowned “The Father Figure” during the event of the same name at Richmond Raceway’s Torque Club. Starting in June, the eight fathers honored combined to raise more than $34,000 for the RFV – money that will be used to support the organization’s fatherhood program, including Boot Camps for New Dads and Inside/Out Dad.

“In the Greater Richmond area, 41 percent of children go to a home without a father,” said RFV Executive Director Chris Beach. “This event is all about bringing awareness to this issue and celebrating men who are taking an active role in the lives of their children.”

Stephenson and his wife, Anne, have three children. In addition to coaching their youngest son on a Kanawha Redskins football team, Stephenson also is active with their other children – a daughter who plays soccer for the Richmond Strikers and a son who plays in the Hermitage High School marching band.

“Kyle is the model dad and what this evening is all about,” said Beach.

To nominate a great dad for recognition, visit