
Can you conquer 'the Cube?' Henrico students put their skills to the test during lively competition
On this day, fifth-grader Manny was confronting his fears – something he'd even had nightmares about in the past week. Today was the day that Manny had to face off against a fearsome foe, known colloquially to him and his teammates as “the Cube.” Each year, Henrico Schools’ Rubik’
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West End house fire leaves home in ruin, neighboring house damaged
A house fire early Thursday morning left a western Henrico home extensively damaged. Authorities responded to the blaze in the 9600 block of Rainbrook Drive just before 5:30 a.m., arriving to find the roof gutted and windows shattered as firefighters worked to control hot spots. The property was
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140-home subdivision proposed in Montrose; 26-home development planned in Short Pump
The Planning Commission is scheduled to hear two proposals for residential developments at its March 13 meeting, which will begin at 5 p.m. in the Board of Supervisors Room in the Administration Building at the Western Government Center, 4301 East Parham Road. Godsey Properties is proposing to build 140
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Weinstein JCC showcases 'Virginia With Love' exhibit
The Weinstein JCC is in the midst of its "Virginia With Love" art exhibit in the Sara D. November Gallery. The exhibit will run until April 10 and is free and open to the public during JCC's normal business hours. Virginia With Love is an exhibit
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