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Greenwood Road Improvements - County of Henrico, Virginia Public Hearing

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The County of Henrico is proposing to improve approximately 1.2 miles of Greenwood Road from the Woodman Road roundabout to just west of the Branch Road intersection. The improvements will include a 10-foot paved shared use path on the north side and a 5-foot sidewalk on the south side, as well as the widening of Greenwood Road to accommodate turn lanes, intersection, and safety improvements. Additionally, the project intends to connect to the Woodman Road Extension paved shared use path enabling future connectivity to parks throughout the region, including Glover Park. At the public hearing, project plans and schematics will be available to view, and County staff will be available to answer questions. You will also have the opportunity to provide comments on forms provided at the meeting or via the online survey at the project webpage link below. Comments can be submitted to the capital projects manager listed below after the meeting until May 16, 2025. The meeting will be open-house format. No formal presentation will be provided.

The meeting will be held on Thursday, April 17, 2025, at the Hunton Community Center (Multi-Purpose Room), 11690 Old Washington Highway, Glen Allen, VA 23059 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Project information which includes the construction plans, project schedule, and funding information can be reviewed at the County of Henrico, Department of Public Works, Administration Annex Building, 4305 E. Parham Road, Henrico, VA 23228. Telephone: (804) 501-4616. The project is being coordinated with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) as part of the state environmental review process. Project information is also available at the following website: road-improvements/. Contact Sarah Briggs at the phone number above or at with any questions.

The County ensures nondiscrimination and equal employment in all programs and activities in accordance with Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. If you need more information or special assistance for persons with disabilities or limited English proficiency, contact Sarah Briggs at the above address, phone number or email.

VDOT UPC: 121402