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Godwin student attends Research Science Institute at MIT

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Anusha Puri of Mills E. Godwin High School was recently selected as one of 82 top-achieving U.S. high school and international scholars to attend the 36th annual Research Science Institute, jointly sponsored by the Center for Excellence in Education with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

RSI is an intensive, six-week program (June 23 to Aug. 3) that gives students the opportunity to conduct original, cutting-edge science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) research in state-of-the-art university laboratories, hospitals and corporate research facilities in Boston and Cambridge, MA.

In addition to their individualized research, RSI scholars — dubbed “Rickoids” after the late Admiral H.G. Rickover, father of the Nuclear Navy and founder of the Center with DiGennaro — also study physical and biological science, economics and humanities, and learn about the careers, achievements and challenges of STEM through presentations and dialogue in RSI’s Distinguished Guest Lecture Series.

Students are selected by CEE’s committee of professional educators and RSI alumni based on high school records, personal essays, standardized test scores, teacher recommendations, research experience, potential for leadership, and honors and awards in math and science.