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Employee who worked at Longan ES grab-and-go site tests positive for COVID-19

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A Henrico County Public Schools employee who assisted with the food service distribution at Longan Elementary School as recently as May 22 has tested positive for COVID-19.

The employee’s test results came back this week, and school officials immediately made contact with the Henrico Health Department and School Health Services team, according to Robin Gilbert, the supervisor of SHS.

Officials believe that the risk to the general public is low, since the grab-and-go style meal pickup is contact-free and involves employees placing meals in the rear seats or trunks of vehicles.

But, they are suggesting that anyone who recently visited the Longan pick-up site should contact state or local health officials or their primary care physicians if they have questions.

In addition, they’ve started a thorough cleaning of the Longan site today, Gilbert said, and a new team of food service employees will begin working the site today. School nurses, who perform health checks and temperature screenings on food service employees daily, will continue to rotate through Longan on their normal schedule, Gilbert said.

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