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Candidate Q&A – Three Chopt supervisor (Republican candidates)

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1. Why should residents of your district vote for you as their nominee and ultimately as supervisor?
Branin – I was born and raised in the Three Chopt District. Growing up here, I have always believed in giving back to the community that has given so much to me. For the past 14 years, I have worked to improve the quality of life for everyone throughout the district. Once reelected, I will continue the important work I have begun to resolve congestion on Broad Street, ensure that we maintain first-class education for our children, support public safety, and continuing to improve our parks and create more bike lanes - all while keeping our tax rate low.

Shah – As a medical doctor I've been trained to listen first, then diagnose and treat, working as a team with other medical professionals for the health and betterment of the patient. I will approach governing the same way: listen, diagnose, and treat, while working together with the community and other county leaders.

The voices of the residents of the Three Chopt District are not being heard. I will ensure we restore the voices of ALL residents and bring integrity and ethics back to governing. I will hold regular Town Halls and community conversations to listen and know the needs of my constituents. I want people to be actively engaged in governance.

I will have a balanced approach to planning that allows for schools, roads, infrastructure, and emergency services to keep pace with development. I will always prefer ​people​ over projects.

2. What will be your top focus if elected?
Branin – Once re-elected, I will focus on completing the three-pronged traffic solution that I have developed during my last term (see to learn more) and continue assuring that our children have every advantage possible afforded to them in both a quality education and their overall quality of life.

Shah – I will prioritize issues which have been ignored for far too long. From road projects which have been left on the back shelves to addressing crumbling infrastructure, I will ensure completion of these projects with full transparency and accountability. Teachers are the backbone of quality education and I will ensure they are provided with the resources they need to continue to excel our schools and awarded for positive outcomes. I will ensure we reward and address needs of our public safety and emergency services heroes who work 24/7/365 for our safety. We will re-draw the comprehensive land use plan to current standards with the goal of promoting growth while maintaining the quality of life which we all enjoy here in Henrico’s Three Chopt district.

3. What is the most critical issue: 1) facing your district? 2) facing Henrico County? How do you propose to address these?
Branin – For Three Chopt, the biggest issue facing us is congestion. I have implemented a three-part plan that widens Three Chopt Road, adds an I-64 interchange and expands Three Chopt Road westward, without any additional charge to the taxpayers (see for the full plan). As for Henrico as a whole, the issues of smart growth and preserving the tax ratio are top priorities. To work to solve these issues, I work with my fellow Supervisors on a daily basis and have increased the BPOL tax exemption for small businesses from $100,000 to $400,000, which has brought new business and new energy into our county that is helping preserve our business/residential ratio.

Shah – 1) District: Overdevelopment with the lack of supportive infrastructure. 2) Henrico County: Fiscal responsibility. We have millions in surplus yet we have overcrowded schools or schools in need of years past due repairs, parks in dire need being ignored, road projects ignored, hundreds of millions planned to spend on buildings, yet teachers and public safety officials not awarded enough. We should be more about people, not projects. 3) How to address: Need to have a comprehensive land use plan up to current standards. We need to address the needs of the people, not developers or special interests. Take cronyism out of the picture and focus on doing the job right.

4. How will you involve citizens in local government matters?
Branin – I have an open-door policy and like to hear from constituents, which is why I give out my personal cell phone number. Additionally, I work to appoint representatives from all of the different communities within Three Chopt into key positions as advisors and community leaders.

Shah –By having frequent town halls, public forums, and regular community surveys, listening to their questions and concerns and get them engaged in the process finding solutions together. Promises made will be promises kept! As I have been going door to door with our message, the citizens are saying they are being ignored or misled about what’s going on in their neighborhoods. I will always give citizens straight answers and address their concerns. I will work for them.

5.  What's your favorite way to spend a weekend?
Branin – I like to spend time with my wife, Karen, walking our dog, Newman, in one of the many newly renovated, first-class parks in Three Chopt, as well as driving the district to ensure roads are pristine and Three Chopt neighborhoods’ needs are met.

Shah – Treating our pet dog, Laddoo, to a nice bath and grooming, playing Bollywood tunes on my 32-year-old Fender acoustic guitar, spending quality time with family and friends at community events.

6. What personal or professional clubs or organizations are you a member of?
Branin – As Three Chopt District Supervisor, I regularly engage with dozens of civic groups to support all the tremendous efforts and initiatives put forth by these incredible organizations throughout the district.

Shah – Medical Society of Virginia; American Society of Neuroradiology; Greater Richmond Gujarati Association; Cultural Center of India; Henrico County GOP

7. Additional information
Shah – I am honored to be able to run for this seat to represent the people of the Three Chopt District. I love this country and its people. Having immigrated here at the age of 16, from living in a public housing project, working my way through school and studying long, hard hours to become a physician, I have lived the American dream. I want to give back and serve my county and the country I love. I am grateful to my wife, Meeta, and my daughters, Yana and Kaavya, for coming alongside, working with me and being patient through this campaign primary process. Thank you, ladies, and Laddoo, too! Website: ​ Facebook: