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Candidate Q&A – 68th District delegate (Republican candidates)

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1. Why should residents of your district vote for you as their nominee and ultimately as delegate?
Coward – Virginians, and particularly residents of the 68th District, deserve new leadership and representation. I’m running for Delegate to stand up for values, and to get positive results for our families by working for better schools, good paying jobs, lower taxes, and a more efficient government.

Losi – I'm running for the House of Delegates to make a positive impact on this community, as well as the Commonwealth of Virginia, in order to provide quality education to families, strengthen our economy and lower taxes. Having children who attend public schools, I recognize how vital the quality of our education system is to families across the district. I also want to maintain or improve the quality of life for the residents of this district. For 25 years, I have served as an accounting and finance professional, holding both MBA and CPA credentials. In the 2019 Legislative Session, there was only 1 CPA out of 140 Legislators. As your delegate, I will apply integrity and diligence in solving complex problems and solutions – the same ethical qualities that are inherent to accounting professionals.

2. What will be your top focus if elected?
Coward – Improving our education system, economic growth, and new technologies will all be top priorities for me.

Losi – Virginia tax reform will be a top area of focus. The tax brackets and inflation indexes for individuals have not changed in decades. Modifying Virginia’s tax policy will put more money back into the pockets of people who earned it.

3. What is the most critical issue: 1) facing your district? 2) facing the state? How do you propose to address these?
Coward – The biggest issue facing our district, and statewide, is protecting our business climate to make sure that we’re encouraging economic growth. I plan to address these issues by reducing unnecessary taxes and regulations on businesses, and by cutting taxes on the middle class so they can save money and invest in their families futures.

Losi – A critical issue facing District 68 is preparing our young people for tomorrow’s economy. As an appointee to a local Career and Technical Education (CTE) Advisory Council, I understand the importance of prioritizing an education system to ensure students are provided the necessary course work for both academic and technical skills that will prepare them for a lifetime of achievement. To address this, I will encourage further expansion of CTE programs. A critical issue facing Virginia is rising costs of state programs such as the Medicaid expansion program, which in 2020 will have a 3% increase in Virginia. To address this, I will work with my fellow legislators to ensure common sense and fiscal responsibility takes place resulting in a balanced budget without raising taxes unduly.

4. How will you involve citizens in local government matters?
Coward – I will involve citizens by making sure I’m accessible, by keeping an open line of communication, and by holding the government(s) accountable so that they’re operating as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Losi – I would like the constituents to feel connected with local government matters. One way could be to create a “constituent advisory council,” whereby a small group of citizens can provide feedback on key legislative topics. I also could hold periodically scheduled town hall meetings, where I can meet constituents, share updates on legislative progress and respond to feedback and questions. I will continue my already active social media presence, as well as through my public office website. With these platforms, I will keep the community updated and informed of my progress while in legislative office. By enabling constituents to contact me with comments, suggestions and feedback, I will continue to foster mutual engagement and citizen involvement in local government matters.

5.  What's your favorite way to spend a weekend?
Coward – I enjoy reading, playing basketball, golf, and travelling.

Losi – Most weekends, my husband and I are attending our children’s sporting events. I also enjoy exploring the many gems of the Richmond community, from new restaurants and outdoor venues, to the James River and our parks.

6. What personal or professional clubs or organizations are you a member of?
Coward – I am on the board of the Executive Committee of the Southside Community Development and Housing Corporation, the Advisory Board of Directors of the Richmond Heritage Federal Credit Union, and the YMCA of Greater Richmond Millennial Initiative. I also serve as the Executive Director of the Conservative Professionals Network of Virginia.

Losi – Professionally, I’m a 15-year member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Virginia Society of Certified Public Accountants. Community involvement includes appointment to the PCPS Career and Technical Education Advisory Council and serving as a volunteer and parishioner at St. Edward’s Catholic Church. Personal clubs include the scuba diving association PADI.