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Local resident Tara Daudani, who was diagnosed at age 37 with stage 3 triple negative breast cancer, has created a free, online resource to help others undergoing treatment.

Daudani's daughters were ages six and two when she was diagnosed, and many people offered to help her with chores, childcare and errands while she underwent treatment.  "But organizing the help was cumbersome," she says, "and asking directly was often awkward and time-consuming."

With, users can register their email address on the site, then create a pull-down menu of suggestions to request tasks, such as childcare, errands, housework, yard work, and meals.  A custom field is also available to make requests for unique needs.

The free site is accessible to anyone, making it easy for people to ask for and organize the help they really need, and allowing family, friends, neighbors and coworkers to select tasks they want to help with, without intrusive ads or solicitations.  "My goal was to make an easy-to-use site that connects people with resources in their networks," says Daudani.

Lend Them a Helping Hand, Inc. is run entirely by volunteers; users who are not tech-savvy can receive assistance from an LTAHH volunteer to create a help-list. The company is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and accepts potentially tax-deductible donations to offset costs.  For information contact Tara Daudani at (804) 424-1466 or