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(Editor's note: Tuckahoe Middle School seventh-grade English students recently wrote editorials designed to persuade Henrico citizens to read, listen to or watch a story or book that reflected their individual cultures, as a way to help others better understand them. This is one of those editorials; click here to read others.)

I am a young woman that was born into a society where men are seen as superiors to women. I go to school and live in Henrico County where I experience gender biases every day. Whether it is a teacher saying “I need a strong man to help me with this task” or someone telling me “Are you on your period? You are being so sensitive.”

All women struggle with gender-based biases whether it is the paycheck that they get or just the decency and respect that they get while walking down the street. A woman only makes $0.81 for each dollar that a man makes and that decreases even more for women of color. Women struggle with gender biases everyday which is why I am a big supporter of the feminism movement. With that, a book that everyone should read is Little Women.

The book that I think everyone should read is Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. The reason that I think that people should read Little Women is that the main character Jo was born in a time where women were to be seen and not to be heard. Jo wanted to be born a man for simple reasons. She wanted to speak her mind and she wanted to do as she pleased. She wanted to learn to go to school and that wasn’t always an opportunity for girls unless they were born into a wealthy family. She loved the outdoors; climbing trees, and hiking.

These were things that were not seen as normal for a woman to do. A woman was supposed to cook and clean. Jo loved reading and writing, but if a woman shared political beliefs or things that were seen as controversial it was said to be improper and did not reflect well upon the family. Jo was bold and wasn’t afraid to say how she felt. Jo was asked to wed with a man and it was not normal for a woman to object. They were to be seen and not heard and supposed to kind of serve their husbands in a way. Jo did not end up marrying the man which was seen as very unnatural and not normal. She was a great runner and always ready for a competition when a woman was more seen as a person that was to stay inside, cook, clean, and look pretty. Jo showed support for feminism before it was a thing.

I really connect to this book because Jo and I both do not like the “wife” roles in the house and don’t generally fit the definition of a proper woman or a “housewife.” I also like Jo, love to use my voice to make a positive change in the world. I am also very opinionated. I think that this book is important for all to read not only because it is a great story, but it shows what life was like for a woman in history that didn’t really fit all the gender stereotypes that were placed by society. It is a perfect choice for someone who was wondering what life was like for women in 1860’s. It shows you what it was like to live in the past when it wasn’t normal for a woman to speak her mind, or run really fast, or to like to write and share their thoughts. It really gives you a look at how far women’s rights have come and how far we still need to go.