With a 3-2 informal vote at their March 13 meeting, Henrico School Board members decided to drop a proposal that would have changed the attendance zones of four high schools to help balance out capacity.
The proposed changes, which would have gone into effect during the 2026-2027 school year, would
There’s a whole lot of love surrounding Lovell’s 31. And owner Wilma Kidd hopes you taste it with every bite of her gourmet bread pudding.
Kidd’s love for bread pudding was born out of childhood trips to Old Country Buffet after church.
Kidd loved its version of
On this day, fifth-grader Manny was confronting his fears – something he'd even had nightmares about in the past week. Today was the day that Manny had to face off against a fearsome foe, known colloquially to him and his teammates as “the Cube.”
Each year, Henrico Schools’ Rubik’
Plans for a mixed-use ecodistrict that was expected to usher in a new era of development in Henrico County and provide the county with a regional entertainment attraction, in the form of a 17,000-seat arena, have collapsed.
Green City Partners, with whom the county announced plans in late 2020