Javier Rodriguez and Moksh Shah of Glen Allen earned faculty honors for the fall 2024 semester at Georgia Institute of Technology. This designation is awarded to undergraduate students who have earned a 4.0 grade point average for the semester.
Ronojoy Dutta of Glen Allen and Pulkit Iyer of Henrico
Tuckahoe District Supervisor Jody K. Rogish will host a Tuckahoe Talk constituent meeting Thursday, March 27 to discuss a variety of topics, including reports commissioned by Henrico County to review issues related to the water-service outages of early January.
In addition, the meeting will highlight the Henrico Alert emergency notification
Robey Martin and Scott Wise discuss the latest restaurant news in Virginia, including the expansion of The Fishin' Pig to Innsbrook.
Nash Osborn joins to talk about The Fishin' Pig's origins, its growth to six locations, and its philanthropic efforts, including supporting Virginia universities and community
Ask Sarah Ball about her goal for C.P. Dean, and she answers right on cue: “To limit the barriers to having fun in the home.”
Her company does just that, with a long history of happy customers to back it up.
With about 14,000 square feet of retail