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'Arrive Alive' campaign aims to reduce teen crashes

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The campaign emphasizes the importance of wearing seat belts, driving safely, and avoiding drugs and alcohol while out with friends. Statistics released by Virginia State Police show that teen driver crashes are more frequent during the spring and summer months compared to the rest of the year; last year, there were nearly 6,200 of them in that timeframe statewide. Additionally, 12 teens aged between 15 and 19 were killed, 1,620 were injured, and 191 were seriously injured in vehicle crashes between the same timeframe. The Arrive Alive campaign is free and open to all high schools, middle schools, and youth groups in Virginia. Schools and youth groups can participate in the campaign by completing a variety of activities and events that promote safe and responsible driving while reminding teens to buckle up, drive safely and celebrate prom, graduation and other events without drugs or alcohol.

Each school and youth group that competes in Arrive Alive will submit its campaign entry at the conclusion of the campaign to be evaluated based on activities completed, the effectiveness and creativity of its creative traffic safety project, the percentage of students reached, and the percentage increase in the school’s seat belt usage rate by the end of the campaign.

Prizes funded by the Rapids Forever 3 on 3 Tournament will be awarded to the top three participants in the high school and middle school division as follows: first place, $500; second place, $250; and third place, $100. The winners will be announced on June 14.

For details about the Arrive Alive campaign or to register for it, visit or call Casey Taylor at (540) 739-4392.