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American Lung Association's tobacco report gives Virginia four Fs, one B

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The report recommends that Virginia policymakers focus on requiring tobacco product retailers to obtain a license and close the loopholes in the state’s Clean Indoor Air Act. The report also recommends increasing the tax on cigarettes and passing a comprehensive smokefree law.

The report gave Virginia the following grades: • Funding for State Tobacco Prevention Programs – Grade F • Strength of Smokefree Workplace Laws – Grade F • Level of State Tobacco Taxes – Grade F • Coverage and Access to Services to Quit Tobacco – Grade B • Ending the Sale of All Flavored Tobacco Products – Grade F

The ALA is urging the Virginia legislature to take action to reduce tobacco use and protect the health of Virginia residents.

“Tobacco use is the leading cause of death in Virginia and across the country and takes the lives of 10,310  residents each year. The tobacco industry will do anything to protect their profits at the expense of Virginia lives, so we must push forward in our efforts to prevent and reduce tobacco use,” said Aleks Casper, director of advocacy at the American Lung Association in Virginia. “This year, we are working with policymakers to focus on saving more lives by requiring retailers who sell tobacco products to have a license.”

To learn more about the ALA's “State of Tobacco Control” grades, visit