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"It is always a great day when we add quality, upstanding men and women to our ranks," said Colonel Gary T. Settle, Superintendent of the Virginia State Police. "Our recruiting staff is committed to ensure the citizens of Virginia have the strongest department possible, and troopers who have the highest levels of professionalism."

The new troopers completed 1,300 hours of classroom and field training that began Jan. 29. The training included de-escalation techniques, crisis communication, mental health first aid, ethics and leadership, fair and impartial policing, constitutional law, emergency medical trauma care, public and community relations.

Three of the new troopers have been assigned to Henrico County: Chad Everett Brown of Evansville, Indiana; Michael Carmel Mary, Jr. of Buckingham, Virginia; and Russell L. Williams, IV, of Richmond.

Each graduate will spend six weeks paired with a Field Training Officer to learn their patrol areas.